I am an expert in my field.

I have taught all levels of students, all levels of math, and in every type of educational setting (public school, private school, alternative school, community college, and college).  I have tutored in person for 30+ years and online for 7+ years. I understand my students and their goals.  I diagnose weak areas very quickly and work with the student to fill in those gaps or critical concepts while assisting with the present topic or goal.

I am passionate about helping students succeed. 

I want people to succeed in math.  I have been helping friends, peers, children of friends, and neighbors for decades, including in unexpected settings such as while on vacation helping a student on a plane organize and study the concepts and tools needed to pass an upcoming test. There is no greater reward for me than when a student for whom math made them feel less capable tells me they are one of the top students in their class after we work together on their studies.

I quickly identify and calibrate the level of support needed.

The number of hours of math support needed is entirely dependent on the skill level, effort, and ability of the student. Some students have a firm grasp on basics necessary to progress further with sequential topics. For some, math comes easier than others. Some students are fully dedicated to the process, while others have other commitments or areas of interest. Therefore, although the amount of time that I need to spend in order for students to master the topics will be different for each student, I will recommend only the time I feel is necessary on an individual basis.

I skillfully bridge the gap between schools, parents, and teachers.

Having worked at all types of educational institutions for over 30 years.  I know the latest trends, what works and what does not, the latest standards, and most of all I know the most efficient way for a student to understand the material so they can do well under any educational circumstance.

Many times people do not understand their school’s grading system and the method they are being taught and asked to write out.  Many students are learning math through computer programs that teach a student how to beat the program rather than make the critical connections they need to succeed in future mathematical endeavors.  In addition, those programs do not accept many answers that are correct but not in the simplified form the makers of the program desire.  This leads to a student thinking they are incorrect when they are indeed not.

I teach with both the present and future goals in mind.

The math curriculum of most schools tends to spread concepts out over multiple school years (e.g., learn a little bit of something one year, but continue on that same concept the next year).  In this way, math can feel very disconnected for students, and they often do not progress very well in this system as they are not able to master many of the critical concepts necessary for success in higher level classes.  My approach drives toward building a solid understanding of individual concepts (not just memorization, and not in a piecemeal way), building a foundation on which students can lean as they progress.

I provide extra practice, summaries of concepts, and quick reference sheets.

For instance, once a student has learned how to simplify roots or with exponent rules, I offer quick reference cards that summarize these concepts with specific and efficient steps with examples.

I am accessible.

I am responsive with all clients and communicate my availability and timelines clearly.  Within reason, I will video conference or meet in person when possible if there are specific concerns or for clarification. In addition, even though I generally require 12 hours for a booking, I will try hard to work with your schedule when last-minute help is needed for a student on homework, a quiz, or a test.


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